As Human Beings, we all need a place to experience Peace and enjoy Heart to Heart connection. The rising cost of living is shrinking the places people can just BE. Help us welcome 1,000 Meditators who cannot afford to donate to attend our Meditation Gatherings or Events.
We take pride in our Inclusive Mission: for our Core Meditation Gatherings and events hosted by us, we make space for the ones going through financial hardship. We offer free attendance for those in need.
Everyone needs a place to experience Peace and enjoy Heart to Heart connection. The need for places like the Dallas Meditation Center is pressing: the sparseness of “Third Place,” spaces somewhere to be that is not at home or work, is contributing to Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation, as the Surgeon General Advisory stated. Not only are there not enough Third Place spaces, but most Third Places are transactional. With the recent economic inflation, the rising cost-of-living is shrinking the number of accessible Third Places for those who are financially struggling.
To combat the Epidemic of Loneliness and shrinking numbers of places-to-be we would love to support 1,000 visitors experiencing financial challenges to find a Home at the Dallas Meditation Center without worrying about anything. To achieve this Inclusivity ambition, we need to reach $20,000 for North Texas Giving Day.
Will you help us provide a Home to the people seeking Mindfulness and Heart-to-Heart connection?