Workshop / Event Proposal form PLEASE USE THIS FORM TO SUBMIT IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE WORKSHOP YOU WOULD LIKE TO HOST. THIS FORM SHOULD BE COMPLETED AT LEAST 60 DAYS BEFORE THE WORKSHOP DATE TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT TIME FOR REVIEW, REGISTRATION AND ADVERTISING.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Lead Contact Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone Number *Your Website *Enter “None” if you do not have one.Your business' Social Media page *Enter “None” if you do not have one.What is the title of your event? *Please include content, format and program type (meditation, movement, yoga), type of teaching/activities. *How does your program proposal fit with Dallas Meditation Center's Vision Mission and Values? *please see Date of Event *List all dates if it is a series. Requested Time of Event *List all times. *Free 30 min is included on each end to set up and clean up/close. Facilitator Name(s) *Facilitator(s) Phone Number(s) *Facilitator(s) Bio *Only 90 words or less.Required room set-up, special supplies needed, spatial/electrical needs, etc. *What fee will Registrants Pay for the event? *If there are early bird rates include scheule for ticketsHow many spots are available in your event. *Our limit is 49 people standing or sitting Max. 25 people on mats/lying down. Registration Information: People will need a method to register for your event. Registration can be handled by Dallas Meditation Center when we are the Host inviting the facilitator to participate in a Dallas Meditation Center event, or directly by the Workshop Facilitator(s). Each option is described below. *I was invited by DMC to facilitate at their event.Facilitator will handle registrations and collect fees via their own registration link that they will send to the Dallas Meditation Center. For both options, it is important to note that all communication with Registrants is the responsibility of the Workshop Facilitator(s). Registration Details: Registrations go directly to the Facilitator(s) and the Facilitator(s) are responsible for all communication with Registrants, including confirmation and cancellation policies of their registration Workshop Facilitator(s) provides the registration information and/or a link to the Center for their use on the Center’s website and newsletter. Registrations go directly to the Facilitator(s) and the Facilitator(s) are responsible for all communication with Registrants, including confirmation and cancellation policies of their registration I understand that Facilitator(s) are responsible for all communication with Registrants. *FirstLastWhat is the Cut-Off Date for Registrations? (Include cut-off time if applicable) *(ex: 24 hours, 3 days, etc.)ADVERTISING GUIDELINESWorkshop Facilitator(s) are responsible for inviting, sharing and engaging their networks via social media, live discussion, their mass email list, etc. The lead facilitator will provide all graphics and flyer for advertising. Dallas Meditation Center will help to advertise the event through social media if we are tagged by your social media posts. We will post on the Center’s website and weekly leading up to the event. We only use our web link to the event when sharing links. I have read and understand the Advertising Guidelines. *FirstLastPlease provide the long description for your event *FULL DESCRIPTION: A full description of the event that will appear on an information page or flyer for the event. Only 200 words or less. Refer to our DMC event webpage for examples.Please provide the short description for your event *The short description should be 30 words or less (excluding title, time/date/location, contact details and registration info). It will be used as an advertising blurb for Social Media.Please let us know if you have questions or comments.Submit