Five Mindfulness Trainings Transmission Ceremony – July 28, 2024, 6-7:30 PM

Sunday, July 28, 2024
6:00 – 7:30 PM Ceremony

7:30 – 9:00 PM Post-gathering POTLUCK social celebrating the 5 Mindfulness Trainings Transmission Ceremony Recipients RSVP here.

Dallas Meditation Center, Sunday Awakening Heart

This ancient ceremony connects us to many generations of our Buddhist ancestors, demonstrating our commitment to the Buddha’s Five Precepts for ethical living. Five Mindfulness Trainings are an evolution of the Buddha’s Five Precepts, emphasizing the importance of training the mind to pursue ethical conduct and live an ethical life.

In the July weeks leading up to the ceremony, we will be discussing each of the Five Mindfulness Trainings, answering questions, and helping participants prepare for this significant commitment. This is a unique opportunity to make a personal pledge to live in accordance with these guiding principles, supported by the entire Awakening Heart community.

About the Ceremony:
The Five Mindfulness Trainings offer practical guidelines for ethical living, helping us to deepen our understanding and clarity in our relationships with ourselves, others, and our environment. During the ceremony, participants who wish to commit to these practices will receive the trainings, joining a lineage of mindfulness practice that extends from the Buddha through Thich Nhat Hanh to our community today.

Whether or not you plan to take the Trainings, we invite you to witness this beautiful and special event. The ceremony is a once-a-year occasion at the Dallas Meditation Center, and it is an experience that can inspire and uplift everyone in attendance.

If you would like to participate in the Transmission Ceremony to receive any or all of the Five Mindfulness Trainings, please apply using the form below. There is no charge for the event, but registration is required to be included in the ceremony.

After the ceremony, we will have a potluck dinner to celebrate. Everyone is welcome to join.

Contact for more questions:
Bobbie Perkins, Spiritual Director

An Opportunity to Receive the Five Mindfulness Training
As you would like to see it on your certificate.
(You can choose all of them or particular ones)
SKU: EVENT-5MTTC-JUNE2024 Category:


Interbeing Sangha is a meditation group practicing and studying the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. The weekly practice consists of sitting meditation, walking meditation, singing/chanting, and a dharma talk or study. On the first Wednesday of each month, we recite the Five Mindfulness Trainings during the gathering.

Terry Cortés-Vega is an ordained dharmacharya (dharma teacher) in the Order of Interbeing, a community of lay practitioners in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Terry explains the Dharma by sharing her own experiences and insights at public talks and mindfulness retreats. Terry’s home Sangha is Plum Blossom Sangha in Austin, Texas where she is the resident Dharma Teacher.

These Five Mindfulness Training spell out how this kind of discipline works in our lives. They tell us how to relate to ourselves first and then how to relate to our sweethearts, to our children, our parents, our family—how to relate to our friends, our coworkers, our neighbors. These Five Trainings also teach us how to relate to our enemies, to the people in our lives who are very difficult for us—have been or are now. And the Trainings also teach us how to relate to our pets and to other creatures, how to relate to our gardens and to trees and weeds, how to relate to oceans and lakes and rivers and the air and mountains.” -Terry Cortés-Vega