Group meditation: Wednesday 7-8:30 PM – Interbeing Sangha and Earth Holder Sangha ONLINE

Every Wednesday
7:00-8:30 pm CT

ONLINE through Zoom.

Part of the Awakening Heart Community at Dallas Meditation Center, Interbeing Sangha and Earth Holder Sangha meditation practices are inspired by the tradition of Plum Village and Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.

Interbeing Sangha

Interbeing Sangha is a meditation group practicing and studying the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. The weekly practice consists of sitting meditation, walking meditation, singing/chanting, and a dharma talk or study.

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

On the first Wednesday of each month, we recite the Five Mindfulness Trainings during the gathering and discuss them.

The Five Mindfulness Trainings provide a framework for ethical behavior that can help us live in harmony with ourselves and with others, and make positive contributions to society.
You do not need to be a long-term or consistent practitioner. You do not need to currently attend a Sangha in the Tiep Hien/ Interbeing tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. You simply have, in your heart, an aspiration to do your best in your daily life to increase happiness and decrease suffering in the world.
Those who have had an opportunity to receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings can keep up their dedication ongoing through this monthly Recitation.

Earth Holder Sangha

(Monthly, 4th Wednesday), The Earth Holder Sangha is the branch of the Plum Village tree that applies Thich Nhat Hanh’s core teachings on engaged Buddhism, mindful living, racial and social justice, and inter-being with Mother Earth at this time of ecological crisis.  The Earth Holder Sangha at Dallas Meditation Center is a part of the Interbeing Sangha and follows the same format but with readings, presentations, and discussions geared toward environmental stewardship, issues of climate change, social justice, and racism. They meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Open to all levels of meditation experience, from beginners to more experienced meditators. We welcome persons of any spiritual tradition, including those not part of any spiritual or faith tradition.

Meditation Zoom Link Request Form:

Your zip code helps to let us know the areas our programs serve

🌿🙏 We accept donations and funding to sustain the community. We are able to sustain this practice because of the generosity of our teachers, who offer their teachings openly, and the generosity of members of our sangha, who offer financial support to continue the cycle of reciprocity and keep the wheel of the Dharma turning. By donating today, you ensure these life-changing teachings continue for everyone.